Weight loss diet and exercises

 Why celebrities take care of their weight. It is very important thing for your life. Everybody wants lean and slim body with beauty. So we are sharing some important things for weight loss.

First tip

1.see yourself in mirror

2. Weight loss is important or fat loss.

Most of people want to weight loss but fat loss is more good than weight loss. 

Think carefully.

Second tip -diet 

Diet is most important thing for weight loss. Vegan diet is less worthy for it. But it could be.

Best foods for eat -

1. Banana 

2. Meat

3.chicken breast.

4.whole grain 


6.more fiber

7. Eat less carbs 

8.eat lean protin source

Third tip - water

Water is magical thing for you for weight loss. Drink much water but not too much . 

Water is essintiel for you , drink water and fruit juice as possible.

Fourth tip - reduce salt intake

Eat less salt as possible. Only 2500mg is needed for adult everyday, so eat salt less.

Tip- don't eat salty food in night.

Six tip- exercises 

Cardio and gyming is best.

Exercise daily .

Skip exercise sunday.

Live life happil

Seventh tip - sleep well

Sleep 8-9 hour daily.


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